Alicia Keys Made Me Cry

So this morning, while I was driving home (alone), Alicia Key's song Perfect Way to Die came on the stereo. As the refrain began to play, suddenly, I started to cry. Then I remembered people I know who recently died of COVID. I know the song was about violence towards black people in the US,... Continue Reading →

When a Movie Speaks to You

Modern Love Episode 3: Take me as I am, Whoever I am starring Anne Hathaway and Quincy Tyler Bernstine When I was first diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, I couldn't accept it. I asked for a medical abstract, more like, I demanded a medical abstract from my psychiatrist who dared to diagnose me with such dreaded... Continue Reading →

A Tendency to Murder

It’s 12:48AM, and I am lying in my bed without a hint of drowsiness. My boyfriend is snoring melodically in my ears—a sound I enjoy hearing as I surrender to sleep. Tonight, however, like most nights since the community quarantine started, I am staring wide eyed and wide awake at my phone. One thing I... Continue Reading →

My Favorite Animal

My favorite animal, without a doubt, are dogs. My love for them has evolved through the years, and I would like to share with you how their companionship moulded me in my youth and continues to influence my life to this day. Since I was very young, we always had a four-legged barker in our... Continue Reading →

Taking Things for Granted

Hello, you. It's been a while. You must be surprised why I'm writing this now. Why now? Why only now? To be perfectly honest, since I left, many years ago, there had been moments when I look back and suddenly wonder how you are doing. Right out of the blue. I just shrink back into... Continue Reading →

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